Saturday, August 31, 2019

Development in Moroccan Economy Essay

Economic Environment Development of the Moroccan Economy The Moroccan economy is known for its macroeconomic stability. Inflation rates have always been relatively low, mainly due to the country’s restrictive currency regime. Morocco has been characterised by moderate to high growth rates. The country has benefited from its low labour cost and strategic location near the European mainland. Morocco has experienced a stronger growth than usual since the year 2000, caused by improved weather conditions, a strong export growth and various liberalizing policies. These liberalizing policies have been introduced by King Mohammed VI in 2003. He came up with a number of economic reforms resulting in a growth of the small modern manufacturing sector and the development of the tourism industry. He has put his main focus on the European Union since the Free Trade Agreement in the year 2000. Morocco’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has steadily gone up since 2002. According to statistics of â€Å"Datamonitor 360† the GDP in 2002 was about 40 billion dollar, in 2010 the GDP had grown to approximately 60 billion dollar. That is a rise of 50% in only eight years time. The World Factbook from the CIA mentions that in 2010 Morocco ranked number 58 in the world when it comes to the GDP. The real GDP growth rate has not been negative since 2002. In 2010 Morocco ranked number 77 in the world of real GDP growth. The lowest growth rate was about 2,5% in 2005 and 2007 and peeked with 7,5% in 2006. This could have possibly been caused by the Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America, which was introduced in 2006. I will further explain the results of the Free Trade Agreement with the EU and the USA later on in this chapter. The three main sectors: industry, service and agriculture, all grew steadily the past ten years. In 2009 the service sector was the biggest sector and contributed 49,4% to the GDP, the industry sector came second with 31,3% followed by the agriculture with 19,2%. Morocco has a profitable industry sector, mainly because of its large amounts of phosphate. Tourism plays a big role in the service sector. The tourism industry has remained vibrant despite the Casablanca bombings in 2003 and 2007. Morocco’s external trade has also been increasing steadily, with only a slight decrease in 2009. However, the total external trade still grew from 25,7 billion dollars in 2002 to 77,6 billion dollars in 2009. This is a growth of 51,9 billion dollars, which is a growth percentage of approximately 202%. Even though Morocco’s economy has been doing well the past decade, the unemployment rate is still relatively high. During the period from 2002 to 2008 the unemployment rate was at least 11%. In 2007 a small decrease of unemployment of 300 thousand took place, still leaving 1,1 million people unemployed. By the end of 2008 the unemployment rate was 9,6%. In 2009 a total of 93,000 new jobs got created resulting in a decrease to 9,1% by the end of 2009. We can conclude that the overall Moroccan economy has shown a fairly good development, but there is still a lot more to improve. The government has been working on new reforms that should lead to better business conditions in the country. International Financial Crisis Morocco together with Algeria and Tunisia has been one of the least affected countries by the international financial crisis. The international financial crisis started with the credit crunch in the US. Morocco has not been affected by this so-called credit crunch, because Morocco does not have the kind of credit that caused the American credit crunch. Besides this Morocco had minimal exposure to foreign assets. Morocco did however get affected by the international financial crisis as soon as it hit Europe. The Western European crisis resulted in diminishing growth rates. The crisis in Europe did not only slow down Moroccan export rates, but also the tourism industry. As European unemployment rates increased, many Moroccans working abroad lost their jobs, causing a decline in remittances. Morocco has been able to keep the negative effects of the international financial crisis to a minimum due to its good macroeconomic policy, an open economy, clear trade policies and several investment opportunities with emerging countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Because of the effects the financial crisis has had in Europe and the US, Gulf investors are expected to invest in African countries and the Middle East. At the end of 2008 Gulf investors announced a 1,7 billion US dollar investment in real estate in Morocco. These investments and planned reforms will make sure the Moroccan economy will continue to grow in the future. Effects FTA US and EU Morocco’s economy has largely benefited from the free trade agreements it has made with the European Union and the United States. In 1996 Morocco signed an association agreement with the European Union. The association became effective on March 1, 2000. The free trade agreement with the EU is mainly applied on industrial products and hardly any agricultural products. The objective is to have completely free trade between Morocco and the EU by 2012. In 2010 the EU proposed a new trade deal with Morocco to include duty-free trade in agricultural, food and fisheries products. On June 15, 2004 Morocco also signed a free trade agreement with the USA, which became effective on January 1, 2006. For America this was the second Arab-US free trade agreement and the first African-US free trade agreement. During a video of the ‘Moroccan American Trade and Investment Council’ the counsellor to King Mohammed VI for financial and economic affairs says about the FTA with the US: â€Å"We want to put Morocco as a platform for business with Europe, with the US, with Asia, China, Africa, Middle East. It was part of a global vision of Morocco. † Mr. Hassan, the president of the Moroccan Business Association says during the same video â€Å"The Morocco – US free trade agreement is a great opportunity for the Moroccan economy. † Due to the free trade agreements many American and European businesses have opened establishments in Morocco. These businesses have employed thousands of Moroccans causing a decline in the unemployment rate of the country. Both free trade agreements have been a huge step in the right direction for Morocco. The country still has a lot of poverty and unemployment; much more is needed to solve the country’s issues. However, the country is one of the most stable African and Arab nations. Current Economic System Morocco has a relatively liberal market economy regulated by supply and demand. From 1993 onwards there has been a policy of privatization. The heritage foundation, a research and educational institution, has come up with an index of economic freedom. This index makes it possible to measure the economic freedom in countries around the world. The world average score on the index of 2011 is 59. 7 out of 100 points. Morocco’s overall score is 59. 6, only a tenth point under the world average. Morocco is the 93rd country on the 2011 world rank of economic freedom. The regional average of the Middle East and North Africa is 60. 6, which makes Morocco the 10th country on the list of 17 regional countries. The overall score is determined by ten economic freedoms. In figure below the ranking of all ten separate economic freedoms of Morocco compared to the world average is shown. The most important economic freedom for this specific country report is business freedom. The business freedom represents the procedures for setting up and registering a private enterprise and the possibilities of private investment and production. In figure you can clearly see the Moroccan business freedom compared to the Dutch business freedom. King Mohammed VI has come up with many economic and non-economic reforms over the years. The two largest current reforms are the â€Å"Plan Maroc Vert† (Green Plan) and the â€Å"Plan Emergence†.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Children of Heaven Essay

Watching the movie entitled â€Å"Children of Heaven† made me realize how a simple plot/ story can be as heart-warming and inspiring as any other film available out there in the market. It doesn’t take an elaborate story with so many twists and turns to make a terrific film for everyone to appreciate. Although the movie has some parts which are heavily dramatic like the scene where Zahra was crying due to Ali losing her shoes, the movie still has a predominant light tone. The film makes the audience including myself feel sympathy towards the main characters – portrayed by Ali and Zahra, two siblings who sincerely care for each other. This technique of touching the emotion of the audience is surely effective since it makes them want to go on and finish the film (as I did when the earlier mentioned scene was shone in the very beginning of the film). Captivating the audience, however, does not stop there. Including certain exciting and problematic moments in their life makes the story more interesting and natural. Examples of which are: the scene when the sneakers fell off Zahra’s foot then landed into the canals so she had to follow where the waters went to recover it and the scene when Ali was at the sprint race about to win when another boy bumped him off the course. More than that, the film also brings the audience to capture the daily lifestyle and culture of the Iranian people (as this film was set in that country). Having a background of the characters helps me understand their values and way of thinking. Therefore, I could comprehend the film in an easier way since it has this characteristic. Capturing the realistic view of the world aided me in relating to the film even though I am foreign to the concept it was showing. Having so many values encompassed in the story, I have learned many things regarding determination, compassion and familial love. These values were interspersed in the different scenes of the story. There were some in the beginning about familial love when both Ali and Zahra agreed that they share the sneakers since they attend school in separate shifts – a natural dramatic device for the story. Determination was clearly seen when Ali tried so hard in the race to win the rubber shoes. Compassion was evident in scenes when they took care of the sick neighbor and their mother. Using the typical backdrop and props (as I see it) made everything very earthly. Nothing to fancy was used to show the social status of the family – it was not exaggerated. The objects to be found in the film were ordinarily available in the daily life of everyone. Also, the acting of the characters in the story was very natural. It almost looked like it is a life-story being told and not just a scripted one. I deem that the view of most people regarding those of Iranians will change after seeing this movie. Their genuine care for each other shows how much they appreciate those people and things around them. This contradicts the stereotype given to them as those violent people of the Middle East. Moreover, the film serves as a heart warming meditation about real goodness in humanity – helping balance the negative prejudices that most people project towards Iranians especially nowadays. With all these to be found in the film, I can say that everyone is encouraged to watch it. Not only will they learn family values and self-discipline, the audience could also be inspired to live out their lives to the fullest in each day that passes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Financial Reporting Standards Essay - 4

International Financial Reporting Standards - Essay Example As such, it does not outline an industry specific platform that guides and regulates its style of reporting. The existence of financial reporting standards acknowledged across the global platform, such as IFRS, is important especially to multinational corporations and global companies that operate in different countries across the world, with subsidiaries and interests in countries with different approaches to financial accounting and reporting. Therefore, the existence of such internationally acknowledged reporting standards enables these corporations to consolidate their financial statements, especially when returning the profits from subsidiaries to the parent company. A good example of such a multinational corporation that has overseas subsidiaries is the MacDonald’s Chain of Restaurants, whose mother company is in the united states but is has a global presence with its restaurants located in major markets across the world such as Asia and Europe. Despite the numerous benefits that come about to international corporations with their use and application of the IFRS guidelines, its application is not so efficient as an accounting practice because it acts merely as a guideline and not as a rule, or a principle, which accountants should follow and adhere to when preparing and reporting financial statements. This rule out the possibility of all companies applying these standards in their reporting and preparation of financial statements because there is no legal means of enforcing these standards. The lack of a strict enforcement mechanism makes it very difficult for international companies to apply IFRS principles in accounting. As such, these companies only follow these rules out of choice, especially because they want to achieve a global look, rather than following the formalities. However, if in the event these companies, especially the multinational

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How the Anglo-American Special Relationship between Britain and Research Paper

How the Anglo-American Special Relationship between Britain and America was influenced during the American Revolution through the use and politics of eighteenth century newspapers and other media - Research Paper Example It is against such a backdrop that this paper analyzes the influence of media on the American Revolution from both angles. The American Revolution forms one of the most prominent events in the history of America. The themes of loyalists and patriots are synonymous with American Revolution in many historical discourses. These themes are usually accompanied with American icons, such as John Adams, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.1 Even though the revolution is identified with few historical icons, the revolution agenda would not have materialized without the input from commoners and other factions. In essence, the Founding Fathers relied heavily on support from diverse factions in their quest to achieve social, political and economic emancipation. One of the factions that lend more credence to the American Revolution was the press.2 The Concept of American Revolution has always been confused or even synonymously treated the same as the American War. John Adams addressed himself to this issue, stating that the American Revolution and the American War are completely two different phenomena. The American Revolution preceded the American War. Adams, who became the second president of the United States, wrote that: â€Å"The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people†¦ This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.†3 In light of Adams sentiments, the answer as to why colonists were so unhappy to the point of challenging the strongest army in the world at the time (British Army) lies in printed word. Before 1776, American colonies were awash with small newspapers. Publishers and printers behind these newspapers were among the most rebellious and enlightened Americans. Some of notable publishers and printers included Samuel Adams of Boston (the founder of the Public

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Imagery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Imagery - Essay Example I noticed that soon the sidewalk was empty, which was such a change from the hustle and bustle of people running to get to their classes. You could tell the students had all been there, with the many pieces of litter lying in the shrubs, there had been quite a lot of activity before classes started. Someone's research paper had blown into the wind and lodged itself, rather conspicuously, underneath the bushes. Perhaps there had been a scuffle and the papers were lost in the haste. I felt bad for the person whose paper it was. The grass was trampled on and there was just the silence and the sparkling pieces of cement on the concrete, which awaited the end of the day when it would be filled with the footsteps of those searching knowledge on the campus. I watched a lone man walk demurely towards the gates, either coming or going in his haste to follow his timetable. I could see the students laughing and swimming in the swimming pool. They looked like they were having so much fun. After leaving the swimming pool area we went past the lamppost that stood tall and rested as if asleep until nightfall, when it would shine like a beacon for those who needed to access the campus at that time of night. Without the students lining the walkways the sidewalks were barren.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Development Economics nd interntionl debt crisis Essay

Development Economics nd interntionl debt crisis - Essay Example Rther, it must be understood within the broder context of ntionl governnce nd economic mngement s well s the globl politicl economy, especilly the interntionl finncil rchitecture. The debt problem is intimtely relted to openness nd the cpcity or lck thereof for competitiveness nd beneficil globliztion. Those countries unble or unwilling to tke dvntge of globliztion hve the highest debt burden. In the following pper I will be discussing interntionl debt crisis tht hs been the issue for the lst decdes s well s previous yers. I will provide techniques nd methods tht re considered to be effective in eliminting the debt, review the finncil stte of countries tht mostly suffer from the debt nd come up with conclusions nd recommendtions. To provide blnced pproch, I will briefly discuss domestic debt: wht it is, its importnce for the domestic economy, why it hs been going up for most of the poor indebted countries, nd the need to tke n integrted pproch to understnding nd mnging the ntionl deb t. The prolonged debt crisis of developing countries hs lwys been ssocited with ctive serches for different strtegies for solving the crisis. t the beginning, emphsis ws on rescheduling debt pyments to give debtor countries more time nd to provide them with dditionl finncil resources to meet their current nd future obligtions. Debt-equity swps, lso known s debt-equity conversion, refers to process or processes by which debt instrument of debtor country, denominted in foreign exchnge, is converted into n equity investment in tht country. For exmple, if Brzil borrows $100 million from n mericn bnk, the lon cn be converted into debt-equity swps whereby the mericn bnk, or other investors, converts the mrket vlue of the lon into equity shres of Brzilin compny. The process of converting debt into equity vries from country to country. In simplified form, here re the common steps. To begin with, n investor wishing to invest in debtor country through the debt-equity swps submits proposl to the debtor government. Once the proposl is pproved, the investor purchses the debt of tht country, often owed to n interntionl bnk. The price pid is less thn the fce vlue of the debt instrument, clculted to reflect the mrket expecttions concerning the likelihood tht the debt will be serviced ccording to the originl schedule. The more severely indebted country is, the less likely it is to service its debt ccording to schedule nd, therefore, the lower the price the investors py for the debt-equity swps. Once the sle is complete, it is presented to the centrl bnk for redemption in the locl currency. The centrl bnk pys somewhere between the fce vlue nd the secondry mrket vlue of the pper. Investors then use these funds to mke their investments. To mximize the benefits nd minimize the costs of debt-equity swps, debtor countries develop policy frmework nd detiled guidelines for their implementtion. The guidelines generlly define the eligible investors, purpose for the investments, priority sectors or geogrphicl res for the investments, restrictions on profit remittnce nd cpitl reptrition, nd requirements for new money inflows. Regrding eligibility, n importnt issue is whether the debtor

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Chinas Historical Dynasties Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinas Historical Dynasties - Assignment Example During the Sui Dynasty, a lot of progress was made in China. For instance, the dynasty led to the unification of the whole nation making the society more stable and peaceful for economic and political development. Apart from agricultural acreage increasing significantly, the skills industry made advances. The economic activities, as well as agricultural practices during this dynasty, contributed to the development of Grand Canal. The end of this dynasty was followed by the emergence of many other dynasties including the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) under the leadership of Zhu Yuanzhang. This dynasty, however, started to collapse under Emperor Yang, who led a luxurious as well as a corrupt life. His engagement in occasional wars made the country fall into misery. The Wagang Army together with the rebellion peasants groups made Sui’s regime unstable. In addition to this, the strangling of Emperor Yang led to the complete collapse of the dynasty.During the Sui Dynasty, a lot of progr ess was made in China. For instance, the dynasty led to the unification of the whole nation making the society more stable and peaceful for economic and political development. Apart from agricultural acreage increasing significantly, the skills industry made advances. The economic activities, as well as agricultural practices during this dynasty, contributed to the development of Grand Canal. The end of this dynasty was followed by the emergence of many other dynasties including the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) under the leadership of Zhu Yuanzhang. This dynasty, however, started to collapse under Emperor Yang, who led a luxurious as well as a corrupt life. His engagement in occasional wars made the country fall into misery. The Wagang Army together with the rebellion peasants groups made Sui’s regime unstable. In addition to this, the strangling of Emperor Yang led to the complete collapse of the dynasty. The Ming Dynasty is claimed to the peak of wall building in China. The Min g court built walls in the north that measured more than 4,600 miles. In addition to adding more miles, the emperors in this dynasty ordered for the enlargement of previous dynasties’ walls into multiple-line walls. This dynasty is also associated with the construction of the greatest fleet in the 15th century; the dynasty was marked by the extensive expansion of the Chinese commerce to other markets in the world.Spiritual traditions description of Chinese history

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Growing a business strategy for Coffee Angel Coursework

Growing a business strategy for Coffee Angel - Coursework Example Chris is of Turkish background and the business is family owned. The business was started in collaboration with his family who stands by him and supports him in financing the operations of the business. Opening time is 7.30 am on weekdays and opening times being 8: 30 am and 10: 00 am for Saturday and Sunday, respectively, with closing time at 7: 00 pm irrespective of the day of the week. Coffee Angel offers foods including breakfast, sandwiches and rolls, Panini menu, toasts, salads, and wraps, the drinks offered include freshly roasted coffee, milkshakes, smoothies, tea, iced coffee, and flavor. Catering and treats are also offered by Coffee Angel. The aim of strategic analysis is to have a better understanding of the position of the business in the macro environment and make a comparison with the competitors in the industry the firm is operating. An analysis of the Coffee Angel requires an understanding of the environment to be able to know the strategic capabilities of the firm. PESTLE is an acronym for political, economic, sociological, technological, environmental, and legal and is a useful tool for the analysis of the macro environment where a business operates. PESTLE is a tool for the generation of an understanding on the relation of the firm to the external environment. The main reasons for PESTLE analysis is that it is relevant in decision making as it informs the management on the situation of the firm in relation to the external environment. This part details the impact of political actions on the external environment of Angel Coffee. Government policies would have an impact on the functionality of Angel Coffee in some ways including laws on minimum wages that has recently been passed will influence Angel Coffee and rumors of further increase affect the company. Food safety controls by the government affect the performance of food

Do Multinational Corporations Exploit the Developing World Term Paper

Do Multinational Corporations Exploit the Developing World - Term Paper Example To most parts of the developing world, 'Capitalism' is a mantra that is probably one of the surest ways of achieving economic stability not just for the individual, but also for the country as a whole. "The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset." (Raymond Aron 1967). Does this sound quite lop-sided Well, to a person or a firm who has decided to bet his last dollar on making it big in a country that is not his own, there is every cause to make the most of what can be got? Over a period of time, one will be able to assess and evaluate the quantity and quality of the resources that are available in this new country. However one-sided the argument of a capitalist may seem to be, there is no doubt that expansion of any firm involves certain losses, the pinch of which is usually felt by the developing world. There is this constant rat-race for economic prosperity, marked by large-scale trad e-offs that are more often than not, worth the reward, over a period of time. To the capitalist, this is the essence of success, a tangible measure of progress. There is no doubt that Communism as an ism has all but disappeared from the present day world. In spite of this, there are remnants of this ideology which are very powerful in many parts of the world even today. When one talks about the rights of the worker or the son of the soil for that matter, there is this overriding imperative to take care of his needs before all developmental issues are even thought of. There is always the fear that the advent of multinational corporations would first exploit workers and then alienate them in their own homelands. A fear that has taken root in many parts of the world today, sparking off protests against the entry of multinational firms into a country. As opposed to indigenous firms that are aimed at taking care of the land and labor without exploiting any resource, socialists believe that the entry of multinationals will spell the beginning of the end as far as economic independence is concerned.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Construction Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Construction Management - Coursework Example ce management theory, move on to discuss the changing patterns of human resource management within the construction industry, and focus definitively upon a specific dimension of the human resource management process; taking special time and consideration in terms of providing a discussion on the merits and limitations of the dimension in question. Through such an examination and discussion, it is the hope of this particular student that the reader will gain a more warmed understanding with respect to the subject matter and further grasp upon the realm of human resource management as it relates to the construction industry. Likewise, before delving directly into a discussion of unique changes in terms of the construction industry as it relates to human resource management, this particular section will tell into some of the overarching human resource management theories that have been promoted and employed throughout organizations around the globe - over the past several decades (Roberts, 2013). The first of these is with respect to what is known as the vertical integration approach. Within this particular paradigm of human resource management, individual stakeholders within leadership and management are of the understanding that unique metrics and guidelines for the way in which employees and the employer should relate with one another are best relayed from the top down. Within this clearly structured approach, other management utilizes and leverages middle management and subsequent supervisors as a means of relating their overall goals and expectations to stakeholders within the very bottom layers of the organizational structure (Fong et al., 2011). Whereas this particular approach can be useful in terms of defining a company culture in a rapid manner, the ultimate level to which it can â€Å"stick† is oftentimes somewhat limited. Furthermore, as will be discussed at further death laser within the analysis, this particular approach does not necessarily lend itself

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Labor Systems Essay Example for Free

Labor Systems Essay There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Leonardo da Vincis Painting: The Last Supper | History

Leonardo da Vincis Painting: The Last Supper | History Leonardo da Vincis large mural of The Last Supper is one of the most familiar images in Western art, even though it has deteriorated to the point where its original brilliance can only be guessed at. The mural has largely been known through its repainted versions, or through touched-up copies that attempt to give some idea of what the original might have looked like. But, the various versions of the picture do little to convey how revolutionary Leonardos whole conception was. At Milan, Leonardo created a work that treated a familiar subject, but was a complete departure from the usual in terms of composition, selection of a Biblical text, iconography, use of perspective, and fresco technique. Leonardo arrived in Milan in the early 1480s, and made one of the longest stays of his career therenearly twenty years. He went to Milan to work for the controversial Sforza family, dukes of Milan, in a number of different capacities: designer, engineer, painter, sculptor, and producer of theatrical entertainments and spectacles. The Last Supper was his most important painting commission in that city. The mural, which measures 1310 x 297.5, was painted in the refectory of the ducal church of Santa Maria della Grazie in the years 1495-1498. Leonardo was an inventor and an innovator, always looking for a better way to do things. In addition, he was, one of the most influential painters of the High Renaissance. The key to understanding the revolutionary qualities of The Last Supper lies in the fact that, in the last quarter of the fifteenth century, Leonardo was engaged in creating an entirely new style of painting. He was involved in working out a solution to a problem that had confronted Florentine painters during the preceding century: the opposition between a view which took the first function of art to be that of rationally and objectively describing physical reality and one that held it to be the expression of spiritualnon-rational and subjectivevalues (Freedberg 23). Various compromises had been worked out between these two positions. But, Leonardo wanted a true blending, rather than a compromise. He did not seek to replicate reality for its own sake, nor did he choose to neglect the appearance of the real world. Instead, Leonardo believed that the painter could show that truth which intellect may find behind the facade of visible experience (Freedberg 20). The painters various tools, such as perspective or the rendering of light on surfaces, were to be used to create an overall harmony that took from the real world in order to describe the ideal. Leonardo had begun the work of creating this new style in his Adoration of the Magi (1481), which he left behind, unfinished, in Florence, when he departed for Milan. His earlier paintings in Milan show the continued development of the style, but his Last Supper was to be its major statement (Freedberg 20). He began conventionally enough. Refectories, the dining halls of the friars or monks who ran large churches, were traditionally decorated with portrayals of the Last Supper, or some other subject associated with dining. These paintings must have been considered important commissions, since their execution was often entrusted to the most popular and well-known artists of the times (Cole 45). The opposite wall usually featured a fresco of the Crucifixionsignifying the connection between the last supper, at which the sacrament of the Eucharist was instituted, and the sacrifice on the Cross, which was recreated in the sacrament. At Milan, the opposing wall featured a Crucifixion (1495) by Donato Montorfano (Pedretti 75). Leonardos drawings show that he began with the conventional seating arrangement and the depiction of the usual moments from the New Testament (Hartt 399). But, he soon changed this, and went for something new. Unfortunately, he also wanted something new in terms of techniqueand this has made it difficult to see everything else he seems to have accomplished in this work. Leonardo was a painter who could spend enormous amounts of time staring at, and thinking about his works. There are even mentions in the literature of the duke trying to get him to hurry with this particular commission (Pedretti 75). In addition, Leonardos primary concern in painting was the creation of a uniform, overall effecta vital element of his creation of a harmonious ideal. But, fresco painting had to be done in clumsy stages. The wet plaster had to be applied only to the section the painter would be able to finish in one sitting. The paint was applied to, and absorbed by, the wet plaster, and creating smooth, invisible joins between sections was a difficult problem. But for Leonardo, who wanted carefully controlled tone and light to unify his composition, it was nearly impossible. Therefore, he attempted to produce a new type of fresco, and painted directly on the dry plaster with a special oil tempera which, he was convinced, would meet the special needs of painting on plaster. But, by 1517, humidity and changing temperatures began to make the paint peel, and, within only twenty years, had become almost indecipherable. In the dramatic moment that Leonardo presented, Jesus sits with his hands outstretched, as if in resignation. He is the focal point of the composition. The twelve apostles are arranged in four groups of three, two on either side of Christ. Their faces express surprise, and horror at the thought that one of them could be guilty of anything so terrible. This allows Leonardo to present a number of figures, who are, basically, arranged in a long row, in a great variety of positions, expressing shock, surprise, protest, and curiosity. But, among the groups, one includes Peter, John and Judas. Christ is lit from in front and from behind, by the framing of his head against the center window, and all the disciples are also well lit. The single exception is Judas. It was traditional to present Judas on the other side of the table from everyone else, and as dark-haired and bearded, his expression sly (Hall 190). But, Leonardo wished to present a more natural version of the story in which Judas truly would not stand out to the eyes of his fellow disciples. Therefore, Judas is integrated into the group. But, he is also placed with the other two most readily identified figures. He sits, shadowed, the only disciple not in the light, by Peter and John. Judas displays his accepted appearance. And, Peter displays his well-known characteristics of gray hair which is generally short and curly and a short usually curly beard, while John is identifiable because he is usually shown next to Christ, and depicted as young, clean-shaven, with long hair and sometimes rather effeminate features (Hall 190). Because the historical event serves as a warning to those who view it, it is set in a world that is both realistic in its details, and ideal in its totality. Leonardo was creating a vision of one of a New Testament drama that had great personal significance for the viewers. But the event is played out on a scale, and in a setting that resembles the real world, but actually represents an ideal. The control of light seems to have been very carefully organized as well, and the perspective of the room is perfect. But, just as the light that shines on the faces of the disciples cannot have any origin within the picture, so the perspective is not what spectators were used to. The fifteenth centurys tradition of illusionistic perspective decreed that represented space must be an inward extension of the room in which the spectator stands (Hartt 401). However, in the case of The Last Supper, there is no place in the refectory that a spectator can take in order to experience the painted space in this way (Pedretti 70). The room created by Leonardo, like the people and objects in it, is in a region of superior existence and the tables edge makes a boundary between our world and the idea (Freedberg 24). Thus, though Leonardo failed to change fresco painting to suit his own aims, the wreck of The Last Supper demonstrates how revolutionary the painting was. WORKS CITED Cole, Bruce. The Renaissance Artist at Work: From Pisano to Titian London: John Murray, 1983. Freedberg, S. J. Painting in Italy: 1500-1600 3d ed. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. Hall, James. Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art Rev ed. New York: Harper and Row-Icon, 1979. Hartt, Frederick. Italian Renaissance Art Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; New York: Abrams, 1975. Pedretti, Carlo. Leonardo: A Study in Chronology and Style. [1973]. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Johnson Reprint, 1982. Modern Day Subcultures: Hip-Hop, Cosplay and Otaku Modern Day Subcultures: Hip-Hop, Cosplay and Otaku Subculture refers to a small group of people who with different behavior and beliefs in a larger mainstream culture. Subculture does not only contain the values and concepts that similar as the main culture, but also their own unique values and concepts, and these values are scattered into all kinds of main cultures. Subculture is a branch of the whole culture. Because of class, ethnic, religious, occupation differences, living environment, it can form groups or regional culture with its own characteristics under a unified national culture. Sub-culture originated in the 1950s and was influenced by the Baby boom of the post-war. Since then, the Teenage of the Western was becoming the main part of society and prompted the Youth culture age. Nowadays, most of the mainstream cultures are evolved from the subculture slowly. Hip-Hop Hip-hop is a cultural movement including rap, break dance, graffiti writing, DJing, etc. As a musical understanding, it originated in the African American communities of New York City in the late 1970s. Hip-hop is a completely improvised freestyle of music, this kind of music doesnt contain any binding elements. Hip-Hop originally refers to the early stages of hip-hop dance, and it gradually developed into a greater concept. The Hip-Hop culture characteristic, usually including those large clothes, heavy gold jewelry, and speak with the words YoYo whats up?. As early 80s, Hip-Hop trend had already spread from the United States to the whole Western world. In 1986, Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Public Enemy and Run DMC of Def Jam Records Company hold the Def Jam Tour, it triggered a global Hip-Hop craze. And by 90s, the time led to Dr. Dres Gangsta Rap, Puff Daddys Hip-Hop style, the queen of rap Missy Elliott and so countless Hip-Hoper appeared. They gradually make these musical forms which from folk music into the mainstream market, and their works easily created on the 10 million sales. Hip-Hop music has become big revenue of entertainment industry in the United States. The appearance of Eminem in the late 90s, as a white man, he needed one year to become the hottest Hip-Hop stars, completely broke the race question of Hip-Hop culture. Just as using Elvis Presley to prove that rock and roll is not only belong to the black. Eminems appearance symbolize that Hip-Hop culture has accepted the white man and toward to the world. Actually, hip-hop was a sub-cultural forms that with counter-cultural tendencies, the nature of it runs in the opposite direction of pop culture in our traditional sense. However, in the current situation, it not only becomes the mainstream culture, an important component, but also the rapid rise of the hip-hops development. Cosplay Cosplay, is the short form of costume play, it is established by the Japanese animator Takahashi Nobuyuki during the Los Angeles worlds annual science fiction exhibition in 1984. Cosplay refers to a kind of self-interpretation of role, the behavior of Performing Arts. In the present day, cosplay is usually seen as sub-culture activities. The role often comes from animation, comics, games, novels, movies, TV series, tokusatsu, idol groups, occupation, historical stories, social stories and so on. Usually, they wear similar clothes, carry necessary props and put on make-up to mimic the role. During the 17th century, the Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher invented Magic lantern successfully and then animation became popular in Europe. Until the late 1930s, Mickey Mouse of Walt Disney appeared in U.S., the animation style had a clear and affirmative definition. And also, the first cosplayer of animated character in history was born in this period. Soon, Mickey Mouse has been popular in the United States, also around the world. Walt Disney grasped this opportunity and created the first Disney theme park of the world in 1955. In order to publicize the products and better attract tourists, Walt Disney hired employees to wear special Mickey Mouse costumes for pleasing tourists and taking pictures. The original unknown persons who dressed in Mickey Mouse are the first cosplayers of Cosplay culture in the contemporary world. In 1947, the so-called God of Manga, Osamu Tezuka revised a red cover Manga New Treasure Island in according to Sakais original works. He thus made a showy display of his abilities and set off a wave of contemporary comic cartoons in Japan. He created overall prosperity for Japans ACG (animation, comic and game) market and laid a foundation of the real status of ACG in Japan. At the same time, Disneys Cosplay activity for publicity was introduced into Japan, and ACG community imitated that and it becomes a normal activity in Japans ACG community. By the 1990s, Japanese ACG industry successfully held many animation and game exhibitions. In those exhibitions, they employed some people to dress as the roles of ACG works in order to attract the visitors. Therefore, Cosplay culture in the ACG community has been promoted and carried forward in Japan. Through a variety of Cosplay events, media presentations, a large number of Internet propaganda of Cosplay information, the participants in Cosplay increased rapidly. Slowly, Cosplay began to get real, independent development. It can be said that the global concept of Cosplay has inherited a substantial part of Japanese Cosplay. Otaku Otaku originally referred to the people who have proficient skills and is wild about animation, comics and computer games (ACG), but now generally refers to the people who keen on subculture and have in-depth understanding of subculture. Otaku is the intention of anothers house or family . Also, its an honorific second-person pronoun in Japanese. In 1982, the animation Macross was released, in that animation, the characters are using otaku, to call each other, it is inferred that this group of people is affected by this animation and started to call each other using this term. Later on, the term otaku starts to represent this kind of people. In the 80s, the Japanese animation golden age, otaku can be said that its the promoter of this splendid times. One of the most famous people of Japanese animation is the Japanese OTAKU King (OTAKING) Okada Toshio and his animation company GAINAX. GAINAX released two episodes of the semi-autobiographical OVA otakus video, and it has the direct description about the reality of Japanese otaku culture at that time. In 2004, The internet true story train man shapes the image of Japanese otaku: do not care about the appearance, women dont like, do not dare to talk to women, good at computer, well known about subculture, will collect a wide range of models. As the story made into a film version, TV series and comic that output all over the world, Train Man image become popular and represent typical Otaku image. Conclusion The three subcultures that mentioned above are the well known subcultures in the world. Evidently, the present mainstream came from subcultures through a long time of humans awareness, understanding, and acceptance. Historically, the famous jazz and RB was once a subculture, but with the professionals and the continued involvement of culture scholar, which later became the formal part of the pop culture. Yesterdays subculture may be todays mainstream culture; todays subculture may be tomorrows mainstream culture. This also shows that the formal cultures always absorb the sub-culture and developed, subculture plays a huge role in the formation of the formal culture.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Body Shop Marketing Plan Marketing Essay

The Body Shop Marketing Plan Marketing Essay The purpose of this paper is through analysis the current market environment to establish the marketing plan of The Body Shop in Hull to help it hold the competitively position during the spring of 2013. The context will analysis the external environment and the internal environment of the Body shop in Hull, and based on these information to do the SWOT analysis to evaluate the current market and try to build reasonable marketing objectives which are benefits for the development of the their market share. background of the Body Shop According to the Bodys Shop website, their business is about engaging and inspiring customers around their individual needs for skin care and hair care this relies on attracting and retaining the skills, knowledge and creative talent to deliver excellent products with exceptional service to their millions of customers worldwide. The company has a presence in over 51 countries, conducts business in 21 languages, operates nearly 2000 stores (about 70% are franchised), and employs over 6000 people in company stores, regional offices and UK-based Service Centre. Products are also sold via the Body Shop at Home, an in-home sales program that operates in 48 US states and Australia and via a company website in the US. Environment analysis In order to increase marketing share in a current market, companies must carefully examine a host of issues. One of the most important issues is the marketing environment. The marketing environment includes two essential elements, one is external environment, the other one is internal environment. External Environment This part explores that the trading and ability of an organization to satisfy its customers who are influenced by the external forces which fall into two categories: the macro and micro forces of the marketing environment (Dibb, 2006). Macro Environment The macro-environment defined by Worthington and Britton (2009, p.6) as those macro-environmental influences on business which affect a wide variety of businesses and which can emanate not only from local and national sources but also from international and supranational developments comprises the PEST checklist which stands for Political, Economic, Sociocultural and Technological. Political The government will shrink the finance expending, which may further reduce consumers shopping willingness. At the same time, governments have passed specified law to forbid animal-testing (CNN, 2003). Additionally, this series of industries need to deal with the waste and rubbish, which comes with production. In this way, all over the nations, societies, and companies would keep a sustainable development and material recycle using. The Hull Council have doorstep recycling collections and  a network of recycling sites, and they make it easy for people to recycle.(,2012)Above all, the whole industry should not make any pollution to our environments. Lastly, the countrys political steady is the root line to keep a regular industry chain (Nicholls A, Opal C, 2005). Economic Not only in the UK but also in the whole EU, governments are now all suffering from financial issues more or less. Following debt-fuelled growth, households remain laden with debt. As a result, the beauty and personal care market saw increased price consciousness among consumers and thus a switch to family and bulk purchases during 2011 (Euromonitor International,2012) . In this situation, its really not a positive circumstance for private label products development. More importantly, in such a negative economic situation, the companies need to do something more, such as promotion and discounting, or develop some more products for some more potential consumers. Sociocultural In this section, the health and beauty industries need to take the aging and male potential consumers into consideration, in which way to satisfy their special needs (Euromonitor International,2012). Secondly, an industry should be responsible for their customers. The products need to be developed without any synthetic ingredients in order to lower the risk for health (Euromonitor International,2012),and also over half of women refuse to use any beauty products, which have been tested on animals first.(SkinInc,2008).Lastly and equally importantly, Consumers upgraded to one time bulk purchases in categories such as bath and shower, deodorants, hair care and oral care (Euromonitor International,2012) Technology Increasing the potation of e-commercial sale methods, such like new coming products introduction and promotion on line, dealing and negotiation over the internet, or business consultants with live video chat. And the company is highly recommended to build their own website or with some relative partners, via which to display the productions and deepen their brands as well(Euromonitor International,2012). Meanwhile, companies should focus on developing new technologies, for example, whiting, In this way, related companies would also in a positive competitive. Most importantly, an efficient product is the root of a brand as to a company. Micro Environment Micro environment have a very board influence on every organisation operating in a particular market, from market to distributers to competitors to customers, and such an impact is largely universally felt by such organisations (Dibb, 2006, p89). Market 2010 is a year of prosperity and growth for the beauty and personal care industry. The growth rate of the industry value increased from 4% to 5%, which was contributed mostly by the mass market. In particular, with 3% value growth following a 0.5% drop in the last year, the recovery of cosmetics was the most eye-catching in this industry(Beauty and Personal Care State of the Industry, 2011). Customers Target audience ¼Ã… ¡ The first target audience is females, age 18 to 34, who have low brand awareness for the body shop and little discretionary income but still want to indulge in the spa-at-home products. The second target audience is females, age 35 to 55. Currently in the US, there are 43.98 million total women ages 35 to 55.Buyer power(see appendice3). Customer behavior The price in Hull are similar low in the market, and people use less money to buy convenience products or high price products like house, so people have more free money to buy beauty products like products which are sold in the Body Shop especially the average earnings have increased. (,2012)(see appendice8). Competitors The body shops main rival is Bath Body Works who offers a variety of beauty products. Bath Body Works runs more than 1600 stores in the UK compared to the body shops 300 nationwide stores. In 2009, the turnover of Bath Body Works exceeded 2,300 million dollars, at the same time, it spent more than 915,000 dollars in advertising(see Appendice7). Compared the website page with The Body Shop, they are similar except the color, but The Body Shop have a higher high brand loyalty(,2012)(see Appendice9). Suppliers The suppliers of this industry could also be divided into three classes. The first one is Top-level brands, Most of the suppliers are sold in bulk and the diversity of special ingredient is not too much, so the power of the suppliers is stronger than other suppliers. The second one is Mid-Level Brands. In this level, the suppliers also produce non-differentiated products and specialized . The power of those suppliers is also strong, and the switching costs are low as the same as top-level brands. The last one is Generic Brands. There are various suppliers in this group, the diversity of the products is low, therefore, the switching costs are low(IAA Cosmetics, 2002). Distributors There are two main kinds of distributors. One is according to the traditional distributors, the supermarkets played a dominant role in the distribution channel of beauty and personal care industry in the UK, it accounted for a 49.8% share of totality in 2010. (Hand Body Care Industry Profile, 2011) Another one is internet retailing, The internet retailing makes beauty and personal care advanced remarkably. Internal environment The last step in the Environment Analysis is gathering information for the internal environment. Brand Image The Shop ensures their image by guarantying its cosmetics and personal care products are not tested on ani-mals, and that they contain sustainably sourced oils and other vegetarian ingredients (The Body Shop). In addition, the campaigns in which The Body Shop participates is another step they take to make a difference both environmentally and individually. The company promotes beauty is in the customers eye instead of the beholders (Hoovers, 2004). Competitive advantages If the company can sell the products which are hard to copy and have great value which their competitors cannot have, the company own the competitive advantages which can increase their market share and build their brand identity. We compare The Body Shop with LOreal and OlayNivea(see Appendices3,4). Product/Service The Body Shop  operates in the global cosmetic and toiletries (CT) industry. From  Euromonitior, the CT industry includes the following broad group of  products; baby care, bath and  shower products, deodorants, hair care, color cosmetics, mens grooming products, oral hygiene, fragrance, skin  care, sun care and  depilatories. Skin care products are the majority occupying 27% of all products. (Schieffer Multimedia: The Body Shop Media Plan ). Company has already produced a range of over 600 beauty and health products and more than 400 related accessories including exfoliating bath gloves, mitts, body buffers and so on until March, 2010. These products can further be segmented into two categories based on  product ingredients those made from natural materials and those made  from synthetic chemicals. As green policies TBS always pursues, company reduces their packaging by use as little packaging as possible in the first place. For the vast majority of products they use simple bottles and jars, with no secondary packaging (The Body Shop Values Report, 2009) and most of their gift packaging can be reused. TBS also provides varieties of services for customers. TBS official website includes a Technical Support area designed for those experiencing difficulty with the online store. An extensive FAQ section with categories pertaining to shopping, ordering, shipping, returns and so on(see appendice1,2). Price The prices are ranged from highest 43 pounds to lowest 2 pounds. Compared with the average income level in Hull, the price of TBSs products can be considered as relatively affordable level. Compared with competitors in Hull, the price of TBS is medium level described as massige price. Place In Hull city, TBS owns two stores managed directly by headquarter. There are also some shops which are run on a franchising basis in Hull. These two shops locating separately in Princes Quay Shopping Centre and St Stephens Shopping Centre which are largest shopping centers in the Hull where can attract quantities of people especially on the weekends. In order to satisfy the customers requirements and obtain timely and detailed market information, the body shop the reduce the distribution channels, they want to do the direct market which do not contain any agents to sell their products. They use their own shops and websites to do the selling. Promotion The body shop does little advertising because they regard stores as the most effective platform to advertise themselves. Advertising Traditional media: the TBS in Hull advertises on traditional media such as magazines. New media: the body shop try to use new media to attract more customers, they make a high profit through the website campaign. TBS develops an e-CRM structure as network marketing of TBS matures and evolves. This system provides different services containing the Body Shop SPA, personalization program and so on. And TBS in Hull also sells products face to face with kind service. Staff of stores in Hull have been train well to be familiar with products and offer good service.(see appendice5) Following the development of the apple online shop they promote their own app software called Love Your Body. They also build the home shopping party plan in the UK. Personal selling TBS had built a unique member club for loyal customers where rewards them with discounts, free gifts and access to the kinds of perks and privileges only club membership brings. They also have a lot of discounts and gift packages in different seasons and festivals which can attract customers. SWAT Analysis Strengths 1.Leader of Animal Protection 2.Expand E-Commerce Activities 3.Innovative products 4..High brand loyalty Weaknesses 1.Small number of stores in UK 2.Many products are in the mature of declining stage 3.little advertising Opportunities Bans of animal-testing laws which help the body shop to attract more customers 2.Expand The Body Shop at Home Program 3.Increased awareness of organic and eco-friendly product 4.Increasing number of online buyers Threats 1.the shrink finance which influence peoples awareness to buy products 2.Competition in Cosmetic Industry 3.Risks in Material Supply Marketing Objectives 1.Reinvigorate the body shop in the minds of women who have previous experience with the brand to increase the market share. The body shop can do some campaign like give people free samples and show people the material of the product. 2.Promote awareness of the Body Shop core brand and specific mens grooming product offerings through targeted channels such that at least 35% of the target demographic  are aware of  the products and the unique values of  the Body Shop. In Hull there are marginally more males in the general population than females whilst in the East Riding there are marginally more females, this is likely to be a function of the younger population in the city. The Hull City Assessment Report notes that in Hull in under 70 age bands males outnumber females in every age group whilst females outnumber males in older age groups. This highlights the continued trend towards higher female life expectancy(Economic Development Regeneration, 2011)(see Appendices8 ). Conclusion In conclusion, in order to get a high market share and attract more customers, the body shop should do more advertising and extend their market to the men. Appendices Appendice1 FIGURE 1: The Body Shop UK: Estimated sales as share of UK cosmetics and toiletries specialists sales, 2006-10 SOURCE: Mintel Appendice2 FIGURE 2: The Body Shop: Outlet data, 2006-10 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 UK Outlet numbers 312 322 338 329 311 Of which: Company owned 261 282 299 295 297 Franchises 61 40 39 34 14 Estimated sales per outlet ( £000) 542 577 511 477 490 Estimated sales per outlet (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬000) 797 849 639 536 581 SOURCE: LOrà ©al Company Accounts and Annual Reports/Mintel Appendice3 FIGURE 3: The Body Shop shoppers in last 12 months, by gender, age and socio-economic group, November 2011 Note: Bars show The Body Shop shoppers relative to all people who have bought skincare, cosmetics and fragrances/aftershaves in the last 12 months SOURCE: Ipsos Mori/Mintel Appendice4 FIGURE 4: The Body Shop shoppers in last 12 months, by ACORN group, November 2011 Note: Bars show The Body Shop shoppers relative to all people who have bought skincare, cosmetics and fragrances/aftershaves in the last 12 months SOURCE: Ipsos Mori/Mintel Appendice5 FIGURE 5: The Body Shop: Online consumer demographics, three month average to October 2011 SOURCE: comScore/Mintel Appendice6 Table 1 Table: United Kingdom hand body care market distribution: % share, by value 2010 Channel % Share Supermarkets/hypermarkets 49.8% Pharmacies/drugstores 19.0% Specialist Retailers 13.2% Others 18.0% Total 100% Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Appendice7 Table 2:Compare with other beauty brand The body shop LOreal OlayNivea Product line Mainly skincare Broad Focus on skincare Market position Environment friendly Leader Major competitor In skin body care market Competitive advantages Natural-base brand value Very experienced global brand Low price product innovation Price range Mid-range Slightly lower than the body shop Mid-low (the body shop, Kannu Priya Rawat 30th Mar 2010) ONS MYE 2009 Hull East Riding GB Appendice8 Table 3:Resident population ONS MYE 2009 HULL East Riding GB Number % Number % Number % Resident Population (2009)1 262,400 100% 337,000 100% 60,003,100 100% Males 132,800 50.6% 166,000 49.3% 29,495,400 49.2% Females 129,600 49.4% 171,000 50.7% 30,507,700 50.8% Source: ONS Mid Year Estimates 2009 1Percentage is proportion of total population Appendice9 Figure6:the average earning increase Source:HULL ECONOMIC SITUATION UPDATE No. 31 28 April 2011 Appendice9 Table 4: compare the Body Shop with BathBody works

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ernest Hemingway’s Portrayal of Masculinity Essay -- Hemingway Code He

Ernest Hemingway’s Portrayal of Masculinity When thinking of masculinity in literature, one author has who has become synonymous with manliness comes to mind, Ernest Hemingway. Critics have spent countless hours studying his writing in order to gain insight into his world of manly delights, including his views on sex, war, and sport. His views can be seen through his characters, his themes and even his style of writing. The characters in Hemingway’s stories reveal much about how he feels about men and the role they should play in society. Most of Hemingway’s male characters can be split into one of two groups. The first of which is the â€Å"Code† Hero. This is the tough, macho guy who chooses to live his life by following a â€Å"code of honor, courage, chivalry, honestly, and the ability to bear pain with resistance and dignity, and does not whine when defeated† (Scott, 217). This hero is Hemingway’s ideal man, whom every man should want to become. Robert Penn Warren writes of the â€Å"code† hero: [Hemingway’s] heroes are not squealers, welchers, compromisers, or cowards, and when they confront defeat they realize that the stance they take, the stoic endurance, the stiff upper lip means a kind of victory. If they are to be defeated they are defeated upon their own terms; some of them have even courted their defeat; and certainly they have maintained, even in the practical defeat, an ideal of themselves – some definition of how a man should behave, formulated or unformulated – by which they have lived. They represent some notion of a code, some notion of honor, that makes a man a man, and that distinguishes him from people who merely follow their random impulses and who are, by consequence, â€Å"messy.† (Warren, 79) Hemingway also seems to associate acts of violence with masculinity. Nathan Scott Jr. writes of Hemingway’s manliest characters: Whatever they do, whether it be bullfighting or fishing or prizefighting or hunting lions in the African bush or blowing up bridges as a military saboteur – is done with consummate skill and with pride of craft; they are tough and competent: they can be counted on in a tight squeeze, and they do not cheat or squeal or flinch at the prospect of danger. (Scott, 217) Examples of the â€Å"code† hero in Hemingway’s work include Manuel the bullfighter, in â€Å"The Undefeated† he fights with a noble dignity even when he is je... ...lso the idea that because the hero lives by his code, he is able to â€Å"live properly in the world of violence, disorder, and misery in which he inhabits† (Baker, 15). The young waiter who hopes to one-day become a noble bullfighter in â€Å"The Capital of the World† illustrates this point. After performing gallantly, he takes his defeat with a sense of pride and chivalry allowing him to die the only real death in Hemingway’s mind, the death of a real man. Sources Baker, Carlos. Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story. New York: Scribner’s, 1969. Fiedler, Leslie A. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York: Criterion Books, 1960. 304-09. Strychancz, Thomas. â€Å"The Sort of Thing You Never Should Admit.† Boys Don’t Cry: Rethinking Narratives of Masculinity and Emotion in the US. Eds. Millette Shamir, Jennifer Travis. New York: Columbia University Press. 2002. 140-72. Wagner, Linda Welshimer, Ed. Ernest Hemingway: Five Decades of Criticism. Michigan State University Press, 1974. Holder, Alan. â€Å"The Other Hemingway.† Wagner. 103-08. Scott, Nathan, Jr. â€Å"Ernest Hemingway, A Critical Essay.† Wagner. 210-18. Warren, Robert Penn. â€Å"Ernest Hemingway.† Wagner. 77-101.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Detroit Riots of 1943 Essay example -- Race Essays Papers

The Detroit Riots of 1943 Since the time of slavery, racial tension has existed between whites and blacks. This tension has only increased with the passing of time. This conflict culminated in the 1940s in the form of mob violence. While there have been previous riots because of race relations, none of them were of the magnitude of the 1943 Detroit riot. Much like any other event involving racism in the 1940s, the Detroit riot has little coverage, most of which is skewed, in articles in the nation?s leading news sources such as ?Deep Trouble? in Time, ?Riotous Race Hate? in Newsweek, and ?The Truth About the Detroit Riot? in Harper?s. Thus, one must compare articles from these sources to ascertain accurate information. Even when comparing these accounts, the reader finds discrepancies in the causation and destruction of the Detroit riot. By analyzing these descriptions, one can also notice the similarities between the Detroit riot and other mob violence during that time period. For example, James Bald win?s retelling of the Harlem riot in ?Notes of a Native Son? bears great similarities in causation and destruction with the Detroit riot. Tensions in Detroit finally broke during a beautiful summer day on the 20 of June 1943. At the Belle Isle Park, at least one fistfight broke out between a black man and a white man. Discrepancies arise when inquiring into why this fistfight broke out. Time attributes the cause to be tensions between races in the park. Newsweek describes the source of the tension as white resentment for the blacks in the park in addition to the increase in the number of jobs held by blacks in Detroit. In this account, blacks had feverishly taken over the park, hardly leaving room for the white pe... ...s. But despite these variations, there is one underlying fact which unites the three: The African-American community?s hatred for white America and vise versa. However, this hatred is not only unique to the Detroit area. Based on the striking similarities between the events of the Detroit and Harlem riots, one can see that this hatred was felt by both sides across the nation. And based on the aftermath of both incidents, one can conclude rioting accomplished nothing but further damage to the African-American communities. Works Cited Baldwin, James. ?Notes of a Native Son.? 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84. Brown, Earl. ?The Truth About the Detroit Riot.? Harper?s Nov. 1943 : 488 ?Deep Trouble.? Time 28 June. 1943 : 19+ ?Riotous Race Hate.? Newsweek 28 June. 1943 : 48 Detroit Riots of 1943 Essay example -- Race Essays Papers The Detroit Riots of 1943 Since the time of slavery, racial tension has existed between whites and blacks. This tension has only increased with the passing of time. This conflict culminated in the 1940s in the form of mob violence. While there have been previous riots because of race relations, none of them were of the magnitude of the 1943 Detroit riot. Much like any other event involving racism in the 1940s, the Detroit riot has little coverage, most of which is skewed, in articles in the nation?s leading news sources such as ?Deep Trouble? in Time, ?Riotous Race Hate? in Newsweek, and ?The Truth About the Detroit Riot? in Harper?s. Thus, one must compare articles from these sources to ascertain accurate information. Even when comparing these accounts, the reader finds discrepancies in the causation and destruction of the Detroit riot. By analyzing these descriptions, one can also notice the similarities between the Detroit riot and other mob violence during that time period. For example, James Bald win?s retelling of the Harlem riot in ?Notes of a Native Son? bears great similarities in causation and destruction with the Detroit riot. Tensions in Detroit finally broke during a beautiful summer day on the 20 of June 1943. At the Belle Isle Park, at least one fistfight broke out between a black man and a white man. Discrepancies arise when inquiring into why this fistfight broke out. Time attributes the cause to be tensions between races in the park. Newsweek describes the source of the tension as white resentment for the blacks in the park in addition to the increase in the number of jobs held by blacks in Detroit. In this account, blacks had feverishly taken over the park, hardly leaving room for the white pe... ...s. But despite these variations, there is one underlying fact which unites the three: The African-American community?s hatred for white America and vise versa. However, this hatred is not only unique to the Detroit area. Based on the striking similarities between the events of the Detroit and Harlem riots, one can see that this hatred was felt by both sides across the nation. And based on the aftermath of both incidents, one can conclude rioting accomplished nothing but further damage to the African-American communities. Works Cited Baldwin, James. ?Notes of a Native Son.? 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84. Brown, Earl. ?The Truth About the Detroit Riot.? Harper?s Nov. 1943 : 488 ?Deep Trouble.? Time 28 June. 1943 : 19+ ?Riotous Race Hate.? Newsweek 28 June. 1943 : 48

Comparison of Masaccios The Holy Trinity and Grunewalds The Isenheim

Comparison of Masaccio's The Holy Trinity and Grunewald's The Isenheim Altarpiece The Holy Trinity by Masaccio was a painting done in approximately 1428. It is a superb example of Masaccio's use of space and perspective. It consists of two levels of unequal height. Christ is represented on the top half, in a coffered, barrel-vaulted chapel. On one side of him is the Virgin Mary, and on the other, St. John. Christ himself is supported by God the Father, and the Dove of the Holy Spirit rests on Christ's halo. In front of the pilasters that enframe the chapel kneel the donors (husband and wife). Underneath the altar (a masonry insert in the painted composition) is a tomb. Inside the tomb is a skeleton, which may represent Adam. The vanishing point is at the center of the masonry altar, because this is the eye level of the spectator, who looks up at the Trinity and down at the tomb. The vanishing point, five feet above the floor level, pulls both views together. By doing this, an illusion of an actual structure is created. The interior volume of this 'structure' is an extension of the space that the person looking at the work is standing in. The adjustment of the spectator to the pictured space is one of the first steps in the development of illusionistic painting. Illusionistic painting fascinated many artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The proportions in this painting are so numerically exact that one can actually calculate the numerical dimensions of the chapel in the background. The span of the painted vault is seven feet, and the depth is nine feet. "Thus, he achieves not only successful illusion, but a rational, metrical coherence that, by maintaining the ... ... wearing a small robe around his waist. The other forms are depicted superbly. Their bodies are not lost behind the drapery which they wear, yet they are not seen exactly either. The folds are more delicate, which create a calmer mood. (Christ's description was already given). The forms are three dimensional, and also have weight. They clearly take up space, and where they are is clearly defined. As in The Holy Trinity, the composition is generally symmetrical, centered around the body of Christ. It is a frightful composition, because of the events taking place. Expression is shown on all of the figures, who grieve Christ's death. Overall, the two works are very similar. Masaccio, however, was more interested in the mathematical aspects of painting than Grunewald. Both works are superb, and have their own distinct qualities.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Econ1101 Session 1, 2009 Final Exam

Page 1 of 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SESSION 1, 2009 , , I ECONllOl MICROECONOMICS I FINAL EXAMINATION TIME ALLOWED – 2HOURS THIS PAPER IS WORTH 65% OF THE TOTAL SUBJECT MARK This examination paper consists of two parts – Part A and Part B Part A consists of 20 multiple choice questions each worth onc and one quarter (1. 25) marks. Answer all the questions in Part A on the answer sheet provided, using pencil . only: Print your student number, name and initials in the space provided and mark he appropriate boxes below your student number, name and initials. For each question, mark tbe appropriate response (a), (b), (c), or (d). There is only one correct response to each question in Part A. Part B consists of four (4) essay-type questions, each worth TWENTY (20) marks. Answer only TWO (2) questions from Part B. ANSWER EACH PART B QUESTION IN A SEPARATE EXAMINATION BOOKLET Answers to questions in Part B must be written in ink. Pencil may be us ed in answers to Part B for drawing, sketching or graphical work only . †¢ †¢ This question paper may be retained by the candidate There are 14 pages in this exam paper. 1 Page 2 of 14 PART A This section is worth 25 marks Mark your answer on Answer Sheet provided Question 1 , †¢ †¢ A monopo list estimates that at the current pnce being charged for the product, Marginal Cost is greater than Marginal Revenue and the abso lute price elasticity of demand is 1. 8. To increase profit the monopolist should: a) Increase price so that price equals the maximum the consumer is willing to pay ) Decrease price and sell more c) Set price equal to the minimum average cost d) Increase price and sell less Question 2 The Coase theorem suggests that private markets may not be able to solve the problem of externalities, a) Unless the government becomes involved in the process b) When the number of parties is large and the bargaining costs are high c) If the firm in the market is a monopoly d) If some people benefit from the externality †¢ TURN OVER THE PAGE 2 Page 3 of 14Question 3 Consider the following graph where a legally enforced ceiling price operates Price ~_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _—, J __ _ G- – – – s · c , B~ ___H L_ , , , ___ L ___ I 01 , :F : , : : ::J ‘ — I , : O — b–b3 —d -1 2 a) FEC. b) DAC. c) GJECF. Quantity The maximum dead weight loss due to the price ceiling is represented by the areas: d) JAE + DGF. Question 4 Perfect competition is efficient and monopoly is not, because in perfect competition _ _ _ _ , while in monopoly _ _ _ __ a) P b) P c) ~ ~ MC; P>MC MC; P Econ1101 Session 1, 2009 Final Exam Page 1 of 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SESSION 1, 2009 , , I ECONllOl MICROECONOMICS I FINAL EXAMINATION TIME ALLOWED – 2HOURS THIS PAPER IS WORTH 65% OF THE TOTAL SUBJECT MARK This examination paper consists of two parts – Part A and Part B Part A consists of 20 multiple choice questions each worth onc and one quarter (1. 25) marks. Answer all the questions in Part A on the answer sheet provided, using pencil . only: Print your student number, name and initials in the space provided and mark he appropriate boxes below your student number, name and initials. For each question, mark tbe appropriate response (a), (b), (c), or (d). There is only one correct response to each question in Part A. Part B consists of four (4) essay-type questions, each worth TWENTY (20) marks. Answer only TWO (2) questions from Part B. ANSWER EACH PART B QUESTION IN A SEPARATE EXAMINATION BOOKLET Answers to questions in Part B must be written in ink. Pencil may be us ed in answers to Part B for drawing, sketching or graphical work only . †¢ †¢ This question paper may be retained by the candidate There are 14 pages in this exam paper. 1 Page 2 of 14 PART A This section is worth 25 marks Mark your answer on Answer Sheet provided Question 1 , †¢ †¢ A monopo list estimates that at the current pnce being charged for the product, Marginal Cost is greater than Marginal Revenue and the abso lute price elasticity of demand is 1. 8. To increase profit the monopolist should: a) Increase price so that price equals the maximum the consumer is willing to pay ) Decrease price and sell more c) Set price equal to the minimum average cost d) Increase price and sell less Question 2 The Coase theorem suggests that private markets may not be able to solve the problem of externalities, a) Unless the government becomes involved in the process b) When the number of parties is large and the bargaining costs are high c) If the firm in the market is a monopoly d) If some people benefit from the externality †¢ TURN OVER THE PAGE 2 Page 3 of 14Question 3 Consider the following graph where a legally enforced ceiling price operates Price ~_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _—, J __ _ G- – – – s · c , B~ ___H L_ , , , ___ L ___ I 01 , :F : , : : ::J ‘ — I , : O — b–b3 —d -1 2 a) FEC. b) DAC. c) GJECF. Quantity The maximum dead weight loss due to the price ceiling is represented by the areas: d) JAE + DGF. Question 4 Perfect competition is efficient and monopoly is not, because in perfect competition _ _ _ _ , while in monopoly _ _ _ __ a) P b) P c) ~ ~ MC; P>MC MC; P

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Child Special Place

All children have a special place, whether chosen by a conscious decision or not this is a place where one can go to sort their thoughts. Nature can often provide comfort by providing a nurturing surrounding where a child is forced to look within and choices can be made untainted by society. Mark Twain once said â€Å"Don't let school get in the way of your education. † Twain states that this education which is provided by society, can actually hinder human growth and maturity. Although a formal education shouldn't be completely shunned, perhaps true life experience, in society and nature, are a key part of development. In the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain throws the curious yet innocent mind of Huck Finn out into a very hypocritical, judgmental, and hostile world, yet Huck has one escape–the Mississippi River constantly flowing nearby. Here nature is presented as a thought provoking environment when experienced alone. The river is quiet and peaceful place where Huck can revert to examine any predicament he might find himself in: â€Å"They went off, and I got aboard the raft, feeling bad and low†¦ Then I thought a minute, and says to myself, hold on,- s'pose you'd a done right and give Jim up; would you felt better than you do now? No, says I, I'd feel bad†¦ † (p. 127). Only a few weeks with Jim and still feeling great ambivalence, Huck returns to the river to think. Twain tries here to tell the reader how strong the â€Å"mob† really is, and only when totally alone is Huck able to make the morally correct decision. The natural flowing and calm of the river cause this deep-thought, show! ing how unnatural the collective thought of a society can be. The largest and most obvious test of Huck's character is his relationship with Jim. The friendship and assistance which he gives to Jim go completely against all that â€Å"sivilization† has taught him; at first this concept troubles Huck and causes him a great deal of pain, but over time, through his life experiences and shared times with Jim, Huck crosses the line upheld by the racist South and comes to know Jim as a human being. Huck is at a point in his life where opinions are formed, and by growing on the river, Huck can stand back from society and form his own. Eventually he goes as far as to risk his life for Jim:†And got to thinking of our trip down the river; and I see Jim before me, all the time, in the day, and in the night-time, sometimes moonlight, sometimes storms, and we a floating along, talking, and singing, and laughing. But somehow I couldn't see no places to harden me against him, but only the other kind†¦ I studied a minute sort of holding my breath, and then I s! ays to myself: ‘All right, then, I'll go to hell'†¦ † (pp. 270-271). After a long and thought-provoking adventure, Huck returns to the raft one final time to decide the fate of his friend. Symbolically, Huck makes the morally correct decision away from all others, thinking on the river. Although it might not be evident to himself, Huck causes the reader to see that â€Å"sivilization†, in their treatment of blacks especially, is not civilized at all. Every person Huck and Jim come across seems to just be following someone else blindly, as the whole country were some sort of mob. In the last few chapters, Tom Sawyer is re-introduced and the reader is left to examine how different environments: â€Å"sivilization† and nature (the river), have affected the children's growth. It is distinctly evident that Huck has turned out to be the one with a clear and intelligent mind, and Tom, although he can regurgitate worthless facts about Louis XVI and Henry VIII, shows no real sign of maturity. â€Å"The first time I catched up to Tom, private, I asked him what was his idea, time of the evasion? – what it was he planned to do if the evasion worked out all right and he managed to set a nigger free that was already free before? And he said, what he had planned in his head, from the start, if we got Jim out, all safe, was for us to run him down the river, on the raft, and have adventures plumb to the mouth†¦ † (p. 360). Huck has always thought of Tom as more intelligent than himself, but he cannot understand how Tom could toy with Jim's life in such a way. For much time, Huck is! without the river and it is though his mind clouds; he follows along with Tom playing a sick game until the end when he is once again threatened with being â€Å"sivilized†. But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because aunt Sally she's going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can't stand it. I been there before† (p. 362). Huck's adventure, if nothing else, has given him a wary eye towards â€Å"sivilized† society. When the prospect of settling down with Sally is presented he light's out for the Territory to distance himself from a restrictive, formal education. Twain ends his novel by setting Huck up for a new experience and personal growth. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn taught an important lesson, one that showed the importance of the self in the maturing process. We saw Huck grow up by having the river as a place of solitude and thought, where he was able to participate in society at times, and also sit back and observe society. Through the child's eye we see how ignorant and mob-like we can all be. Then nature, peace, and logic are presented in the form of the river where Huck goes to think. Though no concise answer is given, the literature forces the reader to examine their surroundings, and question their leaders.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Student Response Essay 1

Student Essay #1 Response In her essay about rollercoasters, Kendall Anderson explains how rollercoasters came to be so popular, are constantly improving in style and technology, and are always leaving us wanting more thrills. I actually enjoyed reading this essay, it was very informal and included interested facts, like about the person who rode on a rollercoaster for a ridiculous amount of hours, and about how there are very few deaths on rollercoasters that are usually just from the medical conditions of the person who went on the coaster.I felt like I could really believe this person about their knowledge and explaining rollercoasters and how they work and how they are made and what makes them so fun with all their appeal to logos, especially when I looked at the works cited page. I found that on the works cited page that Anderson used sources from articles from using Academic search premier and journals such as Popular Mechanics, which are reliable sources and not full of bogus information.She used her sources very effectively as she paraphrased and summarized appealed greatly to logos and providing facts about rollercoasters to explain all the interesting things about them that make you further interested in rollercoasters. I could really tell that she did her research and wasn’t just claiming things about rollercoasters that she couldn’t back up with warrant and facts, which made me believe her. I could tell that she was paraphrasing and summarizing when she included her source in parenthesis at the end of whatever she paraphrased about rollercoasters.What surprised me in her essay was all the interesting facts she included, like when she talked about not only the rollercoasters, but the rollercoaster riders themselves and the many rollercoasters they attempt to ride and for the crazy lengths of time they ride them for, and even the age of the majority of the people in ACE was surprising to me. I found the topic of rollercoasters intriguing to read about since they are a thrill to me, so that is why I even chose to read Anderson’s essay, which in the end I found very informal, interesting, and enjoyable to read.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Modules 9 & 10

REFLECTION JOURNALName:Modules 9 & 10 Module 9: Critical Vehicle SystemsAfter reading about the maintenance and safety of your vehicle in Module 9, please answer the following questions (using complete sentences, proper spelling and grammar).Which car system or feature listed in Module 9 do you think is most important? The seat belt is the MOST important feature in the car to me.Why is that particular feature so important? Because it will and can save my life in a car accident or a very sudden stop.How do you benefit from that feature? When I buckle it I know that I’m safe and secure.If we were to come close or get into a car accident I know that I would not be throwing from out of the car.Module 10: Sharing the Road with Others Stops and Starts: Reflect on Module 10 and the entire course. Look back at your journal entries. When explaining, please answer in complete sentences, using proper spelling and grammar.Being the Driver: Stops: Using the information learned in this cour se, name three things you will not do when driving.I will NEVER use drugs or alcohol behind the wheel of the car, drinking and using drugs are irrelevant towards my life. My life is much more than that.I will never text or talk on the phone when driving, the road will always have my undivided attention.I will never show out behind the wheel of a car, I can very much injure myself or a person inside or around the car.Explain why you will not do these things while driving.I will not do these things because I can lose my life or take someone else life, a car is a machine that is controlled by me I am controlling it and if I were to do any of those things I would not be controlling it like I should be.Starts: Using the information learned in this course, name three things you will do when driving.I will watch out for pedestrians and make sure that I am making a complete stop at a stop sign. I will check all the mirrors before driving and put my seat belt on.Make sure that I am paying at tention to the roads and everything that surrounds me.I will make sure that I pay attention to all the signs on the roads and make sure that I read them correctly.Explain why you will do these particular things when driving.These are the rules and regulations of the roads and also laws that will make us become better drivers and respect the roads, other driver and also ourselves.Riding as a Passenger: Write about one thing you will stop doing as a passenger.Bothering the driver while they are driving and let them pay attention to the road. Write about one thing you will start doing as a passenger.Making sure everyone in the car has on their seat belts.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Advertising Media in New York City Research Paper

Advertising Media in New York City - Research Paper Example The advertising sector in New York has been dramatically influenced by the recent economic and financial crisis faced by the US. Nonetheless, prior to the downfall of the sector, it has seen a considerable decline in the old media publishing companies accompanied by rigid company marketing budgets. Notably, the impact of globalization and continuous technological advancement is clearly apparent within the sector. The advertising sector in New York City is becoming globalized at a rapid pace (Turrow & McAllister, 2009). Accordingly, the sector is viewed to be moving towards becoming technology oriented. Consequently, the technical advancements have promoted online advertising trend that has enabled an increased judgment regarding creative campaigns. Likewise, in terms of advertising mode, 3D cluster within the advertising sector is expanding rapidly. Conceptually, 3D cluster is a procedure based on which three-dimensional objects are generated through applying sequential levels of met als, thermo-plastics or any other related material (NYCEDC, 2013). The sector shares complementary relationships with another community, which is embedded in the local environment. The advertising companies are constantly engaged in merging with each other in order to further consolidate their place within the sector. This continuous consolidation has certainly placed New York at the center of the sector (Center for Economic Transformation, 2013; Harvey, 2009). Moreover, the gradual shift towards digital content, which is being followed by a considerable decline in the print readerships, has contributed to a crisis situation within the adverting sector. More and more advertising companies are incorporating new and innovative technologies in order to attain long-term sustainability.  

Leagal research Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Leagal research - Term Paper Example According to the conditions that existed before the Land Registration Act of 2002, adverse possession was not valid if the illegal occupant gave written notice of the true owners or if the actual owners physically occupied the land. After twelve years of occupation, the squatter on land could apply for registration of title as proprietor of a new or registered estate.   Therefore, by way of these limitations, the granting of title to the squatter was provisional and the required time period had to elapse before a squatter could legally claim the title to the land. However, the important factor that existed was that the issue of ownership did not rise in this case of adverse possession before the Land Registration Act, what the squatter gained was merely the right to continue to possess the land and enjoy complete rights to it as if he actually held the title of the property. But according to the provisions of the new Land Registration Act, which came into force on 13 Oct 2003, squatters may directly put in an application for ownership. The law relating to adverse possession has undergone several changes, whereby the issue at stake is not title to the land,   so much as direct ownership of the land, either by the squatter or the paper owner. In a recent case, the Court suspended the possession order against a widowed mother who had enjoyed possession of land for thirteen years registration Act of 2002   clarifies that no matter how long the possession of the land, it will not bar the paper owner’s title to the registered land. Adverse possession in itself will not give the squatter the right to register the land. The application must be made on an ADVI form and be accompanied by a statutory declaration. The owners must be notified and will have the right to oppose the squatter’s claim for ownership and title to the property,   there is no guarantee of success if the land is registered, even if fences have been erected by the squatter.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Block sox scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Block sox scandal - Essay Example Consequently, the eight players were banned from professional baseball (Maas). The events that led to the conspiracy have traces that lead to the club house. The proprietor of the Chicago white sox baseball club, Charles Comiskey, is depicted as a person who had issues in the financial dealings with the players thus more dislikes from all stakeholders in the club. The owner took advantage of the MLB clause of reserve that made it clear for every player to accept any remuneration that is given any player otherwise could not play for any other major team unless the contract ends and subsequent transfer results. The owner also made a fortune since the club was one of the major clubs then and on top of the series (Peter). In addition to the underpayments made to the players, the team had two divisions that were not legal in the genuine structure of the team. One of the side later on known as the Clean Sox went to the extent that mere communication with the other partition of the team was not possible. The conspiracys exposure was by the third baseman known as George Weaver commonly known as Buck. The baseman did not comply with the plan and later on went against the persons taking part and went on to play for the team. The player also experienced punishment under the fact that he never spoke about the conspiracy. Rumors of leaking in the series were already spreading prior to the particular season. However, the propaganda was popular especially among the gamblers. After some time, the rumors spread to the press courtesy of some communicators. On the contrary, the gamblers continued to place their bets on the ongoing games regardless of the rampant anecdotes. Most importantly, most of the fans took the results that each game gave as legit and thus the rumors to them were just false propaganda. Thus, even after the game between Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati Reds, no claims had been put forward that the game was a conspiracy. In other words,